.. This is a comment. Note how any initial comments are moved by transforms to after the document title, subtitle, and docinfo. .. demo.rst from: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/demo.txt .. |EXAMPLE| image:: static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg :width: 1em ********************** Publish a Project ********************** .. contents:: Table of Contents Publish ============ 1. go to Groups and click on the "Add New Project" link for the Group you want to publis to. .. image:: _static/11-Project-Add.png 2. In the "New QGIS File" click "Choose File" .. image:: _static/12-Project-Add-2.png 3. Navigate to the .qgis file on your desktop .. image:: _static/13-Add-Project.png 4. In the Description Data section, enter a name, a description and, optionally, a logo. In the url slug field, enter 'cityparks' .. image:: _static/15-2-Add-Project.png 5. In the Options section, select Use QGIS Project map start as webgis init extent .. image:: _static/15-Add-Project.png 6. Click the Save button at bottom left .. image:: _static/16-Add-Projects.png View Project ============ The Project should now appear as below. Click the Show Map link to view your map .. image:: _static/17-Add-Project.png Your map should appear as below: .. image:: _static/18-Add-Project.png Test funcationality by click on the map to get feature info. .. image:: _static/19-Add-Project.png Right click on the neighborhoods node and select "Open Attribute Table": .. image:: _static/19-Add-Project-2.png The attribute table should display as below and it should highlight layer area on mouse-over .. image:: _static/19-Add-Project-3.png Database ========= On installation, a database is created called postgisftw. This database contains the demo data. A user pgis is also created and given permission to the database. The password for pgis is displayed at the end of installation as well as saved to /root/auth.txt Functions ============ When loading data to any database for which you will use pg_tileserv, you MUST set a SRID Without a declared SRID, pg_tileserv will not pick up the table. .. image:: _static/set-SRID.png