index_title=GeoServer index_root=The root directory is $1. index_start=Start index_startmsg=Click to start Apache Tomcat index_stop=Stop index_stopmsg=Click to stop Apache Tomcat index_restart=Restart index_restartmsg=Click to restart Apache Tomcat index_return=GeoServer index_install=Install Tomcat index_upgrade=Upgrade Tomcat wars_title=WARs manual_title=Edit config manual_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit the Tomcat server.xml config file manual_ok=Edit manual_efile=Selected file is not part of the Tomcat server configuration manual_file=Edit config file: manual_edata=Nothing entered! manual_err=Failed to save config file war_install=Install Application war_installsource=Install source (.war or .zip) war_installok=Deploy wars_tabinstall=Deploy wars_tabdelete=Undeploy wars_tablist=List wars_desc1=Tomcat applications can be installed using .war files from local or remote locations. wars_desc2=After deleting an application, Tomcat server will be restarted. If you keep the war file, the application will be redeployed! wars_desc3=Edit Geoserver configuration files wars_delete=Delete Application wars_deleteok=Undeploy wars_rmwar=Remove war file too wars_installed=Installed Apps install_title=Install WAR delete_title=Uninstall WAR delete_err=Failed to delete modules delete_enone=No modules selected start_err=Failed to start Apache Tomcat stop_err=Failed to stop Apache Tomcat restart_err=Failed to restart Apache Tomcat java_title=Java java_tabinstall=Install java_tabuninstall=Uninstall java_tabdefault=Default java_desc1=Install Java Development Kit(JDK) from distribution repository or from Oracle .tar.gz archive java_desc2=Uninstall Oracle Java 8 files from /usr/share java_desc3=Set default Java, using update-alternatives and /etc/profile.d/ java_install=Install Options java_uninstall=Uninstall Options java_default=update-alternatives Options jdk_installsource=JDK source jdk_latest=Oracle JDK java_installok=Install java_deleteok=Uninstall java_defaultok=Update java_def_jdk=Set as system default Java java_def_jdk_desc= ( using alternatives ) java_rm_def_jdk=Remove, if default Java java_installed=JDK versions openjdk_latest=OpenJDK openjdk_headless=Headless package openjdk_headless_desc=only for OpenJDK extensions_title=GeoServer extensions_ecannot=You are not allowed to edit the Tomcat server.xml config file extensions_ok=Edit extensions_efile=Selected file is not part of the Tomcat server configuration extensions_file=Edit config file: extensions_edata=Nothing entered! extensions_err=Failed to save config file extensions_updating_list=Updating extension list extensions_cascade=Automatically drop objects that depend on the extension source_local=Local file source_uploaded=Uploaded file source_ftp=FTP or HTTP URL source_err0=File Error source_err1=Upload Error source_err1.2=No upload file source_err2=Download error source_err3=Invalid URL pg_ext_title=Extensions pg_ext_edit=Edit PostgreSQL Extensions pg_ext_save=Save pg_ext_enabled=Enabled pg_ext_disabled=Disabled pg_ext_database=Database pg_inst_title=PG Installer pg_inst_edit=Edit PostgreSQL Packages pg_versions=Supported Versions pg_inst_save=Update pg_repo_install=Install Repository pg_enable_ssl=Enable SSL pg_listen_all=Listen on All Interfaces add_shape_title=Shape Loader add_shape_desc1=Add shape to an existing database, with PostGIS extension load_type=Load Type set_srid=Set SRID (defaults to 0) db_user=Database Username db_schema=Schema db_table=Table shape_load=Load shape_source=Shape source (.zip) select_or=Or editor_title=MapJS editor_desc1=Use Load/Browse to load a file content or browse into a folder. load_ok=Load/Browse setup_title=Setup base_options=Options base_major=Tomcat Major Version base_archive=Release base_installok=Download base_installsource=Install source base_desc1=Download an archive of Apache Tomcat Server from Apache website and install it mapstore_title=Mapstore2