CSS ======= Quartz provides CSS overrides at map level. To override the default CSS, enter your CSS into the Map CSS box on the map edit page. .. image:: images/CSS.png Example: Image Sizing -------------------------------- To change pop-up image sizing, you can use something like below. .. code-block:: css .leaflet-popup-content > table img {width: 300px;} .leaflet-popup-content > img { width: 300px;} Example: Modal Info Box ------------------------------------------ To change Modal Info Box, you can use something like below. .. code-block:: css .modal-content { position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; width: fit-content; pointer-events: auto; background-clip: padding-box; border-radius: 20px; outline: 0; background-color: cadetblue; color: #fff; } There is no need to add "!important" to CSS elements as map.css is loaded last and has precendence.