Create Database ====================== If you do not have an existing PostGIS database, you can create one from your QGIS Project. 1. Export your layer(s) ------------------------ Right click on layer > Export > Save As > GeoPackage .. image:: images/create-db-1.png 2. Upload GeoPackages ------------------------- Go to Data Sources > Create and upload your GeoPackage(s). .. image:: images/create-db-2.png 3. Set Layers to Data Source ------------------------------- Set your map layer(s) to use your new Data Source .. image:: images/select-data.png 4. Change QGIS Data Source ------------------------------- Optionally, you can now also set your QGIS Project to use your new database as well. Just right click on the layer(s) > Change Data Source Select the PostGIS data source you created above. .. image:: images/create-db-3.png