Maps ===== The Maps page allows you to create and edit Maps. Create Map ------------ To create a Map, click on "Add New" button. .. image:: images/Add-Map.png There are two options for creating a Map. Option 1: FTP Uploads. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FTP Uploads are qgis2web maps you have uploaded directly via FTP. It can also maps you uploaded via any FTP client. .. image:: images/Map-2.png Option 2: Archive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Archive is a zipped archive file you can upload. .. image:: images/Map-3.png Map Options -------------- Below are the options availble for each map. Layers -------------- The layers section is where you can connect your map layers to their Data Sources to make them dynamic. .. image:: images/Map-8-Select-Type.png QGIS Project File: -------------- You can upload your QGIS Project file in order to use WMS, WFS, and WMTS .. image:: images/Map-5-Create.png Map CSS: -------------- Enter any custom CSS for your map that wish to. .. image:: images/CSS.png Thumbnail Image: -------------- Upload a thumbnail image for your map to be displayed on the home page. .. image:: images/Data-Table.png Data Tables: -------------- Check the "Show Data Tables" box in order to provide users with data in table format. .. image:: images/Data-Table.png Info Box. -------------- The InfoBox is a modal information box you can display to map users. .. image:: images/Info-Box.png Security -------------- The Security section is where you assign permissions to your map. You can also tick the "Public" box to make your map public. .. image:: images/Security-1.png