Install ======= GeoSync is installed using the included installation script. The script will attempt to provision an SSL certificate using Certbot. Ensure that your hostname is properly set. If not set the hostname using 'hostnamectl set-hostname' Basic Install ------------ Clone the repository:: git clone Change to the GeoSync directory:: cd GeoSync Execute the scripts in order:: $ ./installer/ $ ./installer/ Upon completion, you should see the message below:: Backend installation is finished. Complete Setup -------------- Go to to complete the installation. .. image:: images/installer-2.png Populate the required fields with whatever values you want to use. Manual Installation on Ubuntu 22 ==================================== Install PostgreSQL with PostGIS ------------------------------------------ QuartzMap requires PostgreSQL with PostGIS. If you do not already have it installed, install it now. .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash -e apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib Install Prerequisties ------------------------------------------ For Community Edition: .. code-block:: bash apt-get -y install apache2 libapache2-mod-php php-{pgsql,zip,gd,simplexml} proftpd postfix python3-certbot-apache For Commerical Edition: .. code-block:: bash apt-get -y install apache2 libapache2-mod-php php-{pgsql,zip,gd,simplexml} proftpd libapache2-mod-fcgid postfix python3-certbot-apache install_qgis_server Create the PostGIS Database -------------------------------- .. code-block:: sql CREATE USER quartz with password 'SuperSecret'; CREATE DATABASE quartz with OWNER quartz; Create the Database Objects -------------------------------- .. code-block:: sql CREATE TYPE public.userlevel AS ENUM ('Admin', 'User'); CREATE TABLE public.user ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name character varying(250), email character varying(250), password character varying(255), ftp_user character varying(250), accesslevel public.userlevel, owner_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES public.user(id), UNIQUE(email) ); CREATE TABLE public.access_groups ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name character varying(255) NOT NULL, owner_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES public.user(id) ); CREATE TABLE public.user_access ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, user_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES public.user(id), access_group_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES public.access_groups(id), UNIQUE(user_id, access_group_id) ); CREATE TABLE ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name character varying(50) NOT NULL, description character varying(50) NOT NULL, is_public BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, owner_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES public.user(id) ); CREATE TABLE public.map_access ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, map_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES, access_group_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES public.access_groups(id), UNIQUE(map_id, access_group_id) ); CREATE TABLE public.permalink ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, description character varying(255), query character varying(255), map_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES, created TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, expires TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + interval '1 hour', visits integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, visits_limit integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, hash character varying(36) NOT NULL, owner_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES public.user(id) ); CREATE TABLE public.signup ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name character varying(250), email character varying(250), password character varying(250), verify character varying(250), UNIQUE(email) ); Configure ProFTPD ---------------------------- .. code-block:: bash sed ' s/#DefaultRoot~/DefaultRoot ~/ s/# RequireValidShelloff/RequireValidShell off/' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf systemctl enable proftpd systemctl restart proftpd Configure Apache ---------------------------- .. code-block:: bash a2enmod ssl headers expires fcgid cgi cp installer/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf for f in 000-default default-ssl; do sed "s/#ServerName ${HNAME}/" /etc/apache2/sites-available/${f}.conf done a2ensite 000-default default-ssl systemctl reload apache2 certbot --apache --agree-tos --email hostmaster@${HNAME} --no-eff-email -d ${HNAME} Create Data and Cache Directories ---------------------------- .. code-block:: bash mkdir -p "${APPS_DIR}" mkdir -p "${CACHE_DIR}" mkdir -p "${DATA_DIR}" chown -R www-data:www-data "${APPS_DIR}" chown -R www-data:www-data "${CACHE_DIR}" chown -R www-data:www-data "${DATA_DIR}" cp -r . /var/www/html/ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html rm -rf /var/www/html/installer systemctl restart apache2 # create group for all FTP users groupadd qatusers create_ftp_user # install ftp user creation script for f in update; do cp installer/${f} /usr/local/bin/ chown www-data:www-data /usr/local/bin/${f} chmod 0550 /usr/local/bin/${f} done cat >/etc/sudoers.d/q2w <admin/incl/const.php < CAT_EOF .. note:: If you want to quickly install and test Lizmap Web Client in a few steps, you can follow those `instructions `_ using Docker and Docker-Compose. .. note:: In Debian distributions, you can work as administrator (log in with ``root``), without using ``sudo`` on contrary to Ubuntu. .. code-block:: bash ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/lizmap.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lizmap.conf Restart Nginx ------------- You must restart the Nginx server to validate the configuration. .. code-block:: bash service nginx restart