Install ===== GeoSync is installed using the included installation script. The script will attempt to provision an SSL certificate using Certbot. Ensure that your hostname is properly set. If not set the hostname using 'hostnamectl set-hostname' Usage ------------ Clone the repository:: git clone Change to the GeoSync directory:: cd GeoSync Execute the script:: chmod +x /installer/ && ./installer/ Upon completion, you should see the message below:: Backend installation is finished. Create a PostgreSQL database and user with superuser # create user myuser with password 'mypassword'; # create database mydatabase with owner myuser; # alter user myuser superuser; Go to https://hostname/admin/setup.php to complete installation. Create Database ------------ Create a PostgreSQL database and user. The user must be given superuser in order to create local databases:: root@lz370:~/domain# su - postgres postgres@domain:~$ postgres@domain:~$ psql psql (16.2 (Ubuntu 16.2-1.pgdg22.04+1)) Type "help" for help. postgres=# create user myuser with password 'mypassword'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# create database mydatabase with owner myuser; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# alter user myuser superuser; ALTER ROLE Complete Setup -------------- Go to to complete the installation. Once completed you can login using Username: Password: 1234 .. image:: images/geosync.png Be sure to change to email and password once logged in.