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2024-03-01 11:23:55 +00:00
L.TileLayer.BetterWMS = L.TileLayer.WMS.extend({
onAdd: function (map) {
// Triggered when the layer is added to a map.
// Register a click listener, then do all the upstream WMS things
L.TileLayer.WMS.prototype.onAdd.call(this, map);
map.on('click', this.getFeatureInfo, this);
onRemove: function (map) {
// Triggered when the layer is removed from a map.
// Unregister a click listener, then do all the upstream WMS things
L.TileLayer.WMS.prototype.onRemove.call(this, map);
map.off('click', this.getFeatureInfo, this);
getFeatureInfo: function (evt) {
// Make an AJAX request to the server and hope for the best
var url = this.getFeatureInfoUrl(evt.latlng),
showResults = L.Util.bind(this.showGetFeatureInfo, this);
url: url,
success: function (data, status, xhr) {
var err = typeof data === 'string' ? null : data;
showResults(err, evt.latlng, data);
error: function (xhr, status, error) {
getFeatureInfoUrl: function (latlng) {
// Construct a GetFeatureInfo request URL given a point
var point = this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(latlng, this._map.getZoom()),
size = this._map.getSize(),
params = {
request: 'GetFeatureInfo',
service: 'WMS',
srs: 'EPSG:4326',
styles: this.wmsParams.styles,
transparent: this.wmsParams.transparent,
version: this.wmsParams.version,
format: this.wmsParams.format,
bbox: this._map.getBounds().toBBoxString(),
height: size.y,
width: size.x,
layers: this.wmsParams.layers,
query_layers: this.wmsParams.layers,
info_format: 'text/html'
params[params.version === '1.3.0' ? 'i' : 'x'] = point.x;
params[params.version === '1.3.0' ? 'j' : 'y'] = point.y;
return this._url + L.Util.getParamString(params, this._url, true);
showGetFeatureInfo: function (err, latlng, content) {
if (err) {
} // do nothing if there's an error
if (jQuery(content).find("tr").length < 2) {
content = content.toLowerCase();
//var content = content.replace('/g', "<table");
// Otherwise show the content in a popup, or something.
L.popup({maxWidth: 'auto'})
// $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').find('table').each(function(){
// jQuery(this).replaceWith( jQuery(this).html()
// .replace(/<tbody/gi, "<div id='table'")
// .replace(/<tr/gi, "<div")
// .replace(/<\/tr>/gi, "</div>")
// .replace(/<td/gi, "<span")
// .replace(/<\/td>/gi, "</span>")
// .replace(/<\/tbody/gi, "<\/div")
// });
// each(function (){
// $(this).replaceWith( $(this).html()
// .replace(/<tbody/gi, "<div class='table'")
// .replace(/<tr/gi, "<div class='ccbnOutline'")
// .replace(/<\/tr>/gi, "</div>")
// .replace(/<td/gi, "<span")
// .replace(/<\/td>/gi, "</span>")
// .replace(/<\/tbody/gi, "<\/div")
// );
// });
L.tileLayer.myWms = function (url, options) {
return new L.TileLayer.BetterWMS(url, options);
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var mymap = L.map('mapid', {
zoom: 8,
crs: L.CRS.EPSG4326
mymap.setView([parseFloat(lat1), parseFloat(lng1)], 8);
if (isGoogle()){
currentBaseMap = L.tileLayer('https://{s}.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}', {
maxZoom: 20,
subdomains: ['mt0', 'mt1', 'mt2', 'mt3']
} else {
currentBaseMap = L.tileLayer(baseLayers['mymap'][layername]._url, {
maxZoom: 18,
attribution: baseLayers['mymap'][layername].options.attribution,
id: baseLayers['mymap'][layername].options.id
var states = L.tileLayer.myWms(url, {
format: 'image/png',
layers: layerName,
format: 'image/png',
transparent: true,
//crs: L.CRS.EPSG4326
var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds([parseFloat(lat1), parseFloat(lng1)], [parseFloat(lat2), parseFloat(lng2)]);
mymap.options.minZoom = mymap.getZoom();
//var l = L.latLng(lat, lng);
//# sourceMappingURL=map-preview.js.map