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2024-03-01 11:23:55 +00:00
* This task instruments our source code with istanbul, runs the test suite
* on the instrumented source and collects the coverage data. It then creates
* test coverage reports.
* TODO This can be improved in style. We should possibly rewrite it and use
* async.waterfall.
var fs = require('fs-extra');
var istanbul = require('istanbul');
var path = require('path');
var glob = require('glob');
var runTestsuite = require('./test').runTests;
// setup some pathes
var dir = path.join(__dirname, '../src');
var backupDir = path.join(__dirname, '../src-backup');
var instrumentedDir = path.join(__dirname, '../src-instrumented');
var coverageDir = path.join(__dirname, '../coverage');
// The main players in the coverage generation via istanbul
var instrumenter = new istanbul.Instrumenter();
var reporter = new istanbul.Reporter(false, coverageDir);
var collector = new istanbul.Collector();
// General options used for the resource shuffling / directory copying
var copyOpts = {
// Overwrite existing file or directory
clobber: true,
// Preserve the mtime and atime when copying files
preserveTimestamps: true
* A small utility method printing out log messages.
* @param {string} msg The message.
var log = function(msg) {
process.stdout.write(msg + '\n');
* Creates folders for backup and instrumentation and copies the contents of the
* current src folder into them.
var setupBackupAndInstrumentationDir = function() {
if (!fs.existsSync(backupDir)) {
log('• create directory for backup of src: ' + backupDir);
if (!fs.existsSync(instrumentedDir)) {
log('• create directory for instrumented src: ' + instrumentedDir);
log('• copy src files to backup folder');
fs.copySync(dir, backupDir, copyOpts);
log('• copy src files to instrumentation folder');
fs.copySync(dir, instrumentedDir, copyOpts);
* Reverts the changes done in setupBackupAndInstrumentationDir, copies the
* backup over the src directory and removes the instrumentation and backup
* directory.
var revertBackupAndInstrumentationDir = function() {
log('• copy original src back to src folder');
fs.copySync(backupDir, dir, copyOpts);
log('• delete backup directory');
log('• delete instrumentation directory');
* Callback for when runTestsuite() has finished.
var collectAndWriteCoverageData = function() {
log('• collect data from coverage *.json files');
var coverageFiles = [
path.join(__dirname, '..', 'coverage', 'coverage.json'),
path.join(__dirname, '..', 'coverage', 'coverage-rendering.json')
coverageFiles.forEach(function(coverageFile) {
if (fs.existsSync(coverageFile)) {
log(' • collect data from ' + path.basename(coverageFile));
var coverageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(coverageFile, 'utf8'));
reporter.addAll(['lcovonly', 'html']);
log('• write report from collected data');
reporter.write(collector, true, function() {
* Runs the rendering test by spawning a call to `make test-rendering`. The
* `make`-call sets up certain things so that the rendering tests can actually
* run, which is why we call it this way.
* @param {Function} callback The callback to invoke once `make` has exited.
* Will receive the exit code.
var runRenderingTestsuite = function(callback) {
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var child = spawn('make', ['test-rendering'], {stdio: 'inherit'});
child.on('exit', function(code) {
* Derive output file name from input file name, by replacing the *last*
* occurence of `/src/` by `/src-instrumented/`
* @param {String} file The input filename.
* @return {String} file The output filename.
var outputFilenameByFilename = function(file) {
var search = '/src/';
var replace = '/src-instrumented/';
var re = new RegExp(search, 'g');
var m, match;
while ((m = re.exec(file)) !== null) {
match = m;
var idx = match.index;
var outfile = file.substr(0, idx) + replace +
file.substr(idx + search.length);
return outfile;
* Will instrument all JavaScript files that are passed as second parameter.
* This is the callback to the glob call.
* @param {Error} err Any error.
* @param {Array.<string>} files List of file paths.
var foundAllJavaScriptSourceFiles = function(err, files) {
if (err) {
process.stderr.write(err.message + '\n');
log('• instrumenting every src file');
var cnt = 0;
files.forEach(function(file) {
var content = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8');
var outfile = outputFilenameByFilename(file);
var instrumented = instrumenter.instrumentSync(content, file);
fs.writeFileSync(outfile, instrumented);
if (cnt % 10 === 0) {
log(' • instrumented ' + cnt + ' files');
log(' • done. ' + cnt + ' files instrumented');
log('• copy instrumented src back to src folder');
fs.copySync(instrumentedDir, dir, copyOpts);
log('• run test suites on instrumented code');
log(' • run rendering test suite');
runRenderingTestsuite(function(codeRendering) {
if (codeRendering === 0) {
log(' • run standard test suite');
runTestsuite({coverage: true, reporter: 'dot'}, function(code) {
if (code === 0) {
} else {
process.stderr.write('Trouble running the standard testsuite\n');
} else {
process.stderr.write('Trouble running the rendering testsuite\n');
* Our main method, first it sets up certain directory, and then it starts the
* coverage process by gathering all JavaScript files and then instrumenting
* them.
var main = function() {
glob(dir + '/**/*.js', {}, foundAllJavaScriptSourceFiles);
if (require.main === module) {
module.exports = main;