# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## v1.2.0 - 9th May, 2015 ### New Features - Disable nodes, allow a tree node to disabled (not selectable, expandable or checkable) - Added node state property `disabled` to set a node initial state - Methods `disableAll`, `disableNode`, `enableAll`, `enableNode` and `toggleNodeDisabled` added to control state programmatically - Events `nodeDisabled` and `nodeEnabled` - Checkable nodes, allows a tree node to be checked or unchecked. - Added node state property `checked` to set a node initial state - Pass option `{showCheckbox: true}` to initialize tree view with checkboxes - Use options `checkedIcon` and `uncheckedIcon` to configure checkbox icons - Methods `checkAll`, `checkNode`, `uncheckAll`, `uncheckNode` and `toggleNodeChecked` to control state programmatically - Events `nodeChecked` and `nodeUnchecked` - New option + node property `selectedIcon` to support displaying different icons when a node is selected. - New search option `{ revealResults : true | false }` which when set to true will automatically expand the tree view to reveal matching nodes - New method `revealNode` which expands the tree view to reveal a given node - New methods to retrieve nodes by state : `getSelected`, `getUnselected`, `getExpanded`, `getCollapsed`, `getChecked`, `getUnchecked`, `getDisabled` and `getEnabled` ### Changes - Removed nodeIcon by default, by popular demand. Use `{nodeIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-stop'}` in initial options to add a node icon. - Search behaviour, by default search will the expand tree view and reveal results. Alternatively pass `{revealResults:false}` - Method collapseNode accepts new option `{ ignoreChildren: true | false }`. The default is false, passing true will leave child nodes uncollapsed ### Bug Fixes - Remove unnecessary render in clearSearch when called from search - Child nodes should collapse by default on collapseNode - Incorrect expand collapse icon displayed when nodes array is empty ## v1.1.0 - 29th March, 2015 ### New Features - Added node state properties `expanded` and `selected` so a node's intial state can be set - New get methods `getNode`, `getParent` and `getSiblings` for retrieving nodes and their immediate relations - New select methods `selectNode`, `unselectNode` and `toggleNodeSelected` - Adding `nodeUnselected` event - New global option `multiSelect` which allows multiple nodes to hold the selected state, default is false - New expand collapse methods `expandAll`, `collapseAll`, `expandNode`, `collapseNode` and `toggleNodeExpanded` - Adding events `nodeExpanded` and `nodeCollapsed` - New methods `search` and `clearSearch` which allow you to query the tree view for nodes based on a `text` value - Adding events `searchComplete` and `searchCleared` - New global options `highlightSearchResults`, `searchResultColor` and `searchResultBackColor` for configuring how search results are displayed ## v1.0.2 - 6th February, 2015 ### Changes - jQuery dependency version updated in Bower ### Bug Fixes - Events not unbound when re-initialised - CSS selectors too general, affecting other page elements