import { hexToRgb } from './utils'; import { removeClass, getTopMargin, fadeIn, show, addClass } from './handle-dom'; import defaultParams from './default-params'; var modalClass = '.sweet-alert'; var overlayClass = '.sweet-overlay'; /* * Add modal + overlay to DOM */ import injectedHTML from './injected-html'; var sweetAlertInitialize = function() { var sweetWrap = document.createElement('div'); sweetWrap.innerHTML = injectedHTML; // Append elements to body while (sweetWrap.firstChild) { document.body.appendChild(sweetWrap.firstChild); } }; /* * Get DOM element of modal */ var getModal = function() { var $modal = document.querySelector(modalClass); if (!$modal) { sweetAlertInitialize(); $modal = getModal(); } return $modal; }; /* * Get DOM element of input (in modal) */ var getInput = function() { var $modal = getModal(); if ($modal) { return $modal.querySelector('input'); } }; /* * Get DOM element of overlay */ var getOverlay = function() { return document.querySelector(overlayClass); }; /* * Add box-shadow style to button (depending on its chosen bg-color) */ var setFocusStyle = function($button, bgColor) { var rgbColor = hexToRgb(bgColor); $ = '0 0 2px rgba(' + rgbColor + ', 0.8), inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)'; }; /* * Animation when opening modal */ var openModal = function(callback) { var $modal = getModal(); fadeIn(getOverlay(), 10); show($modal); addClass($modal, 'showSweetAlert'); removeClass($modal, 'hideSweetAlert'); window.previousActiveElement = document.activeElement; var $okButton = $modal.querySelector('button.confirm'); $okButton.focus(); setTimeout(function () { addClass($modal, 'visible'); }, 500); var timer = $modal.getAttribute('data-timer'); if (timer !== 'null' && timer !== '') { var timerCallback = callback; $modal.timeout = setTimeout(function() { var doneFunctionExists = ((timerCallback || null) && $modal.getAttribute('data-has-done-function') === 'true'); if (doneFunctionExists) { timerCallback(null); } else { sweetAlert.close(); } }, timer); } }; /* * Reset the styling of the input * (for example if errors have been shown) */ var resetInput = function() { var $modal = getModal(); var $input = getInput(); removeClass($modal, 'show-input'); $input.value = defaultParams.inputValue; $input.setAttribute('type', defaultParams.inputType); $input.setAttribute('placeholder', defaultParams.inputPlaceholder); resetInputError(); }; var resetInputError = function(event) { // If press enter => ignore if (event && event.keyCode === 13) { return false; } var $modal = getModal(); var $errorIcon = $modal.querySelector('.sa-input-error'); removeClass($errorIcon, 'show'); var $errorContainer = $modal.querySelector('.sa-error-container'); removeClass($errorContainer, 'show'); }; /* * Set "margin-top"-property on modal based on its computed height */ var fixVerticalPosition = function() { var $modal = getModal(); $ = getTopMargin(getModal()); }; export { sweetAlertInitialize, getModal, getOverlay, getInput, setFocusStyle, openModal, resetInput, resetInputError, fixVerticalPosition };