# leaflet-measure Coordinate, linear, and area measure control for [Leaflet](http://leafletjs.com) maps. Extends [L.Control](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#control).
## [Demo](http://ljagis.github.io/leaflet-measure) [![Demo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ljagis/leaflet-measure/master/example/leaflet-measure-demo.jpg)](http://ljagis.github.io/leaflet-measure)
## Install Options - Clone.. `git clone https://github.com/ljagis/leaflet-measure.git` - Install with [Bower](http://bower.io/).. `bower install leaflet-measure` - Install with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/).. `npm install leaflet-measure` ## Use bundled `leaflet-measure.min.js` or `leaflet-measure.js` Include the [Leaflet Source](http://cdn.leafletjs.com/leaflet-0.7.3/leaflet.js), `leaflet-measure.min.js`, and associated CSS stylesheets in your HTML page ```html ``` ## Use with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) ```javascript var L = require('leaflet'); require('leaflet-measure'); // Start creating maps ```
## Add control to a Leaflet map `leaflet-measure` adds `L.Control.Measure`. This control may be used with the standard Leaflet control workflows [described in the Leaflet docs](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#control). The measure control can be instantiated directly and added to a map: ```javascript var myMap = L.map('mapElementId', options); var measureControl = new L.Control.Measure(options); measureControl.addTo(myMap); ``` or instantiated via the factory: ```javascript var myMap = L.map('mapElementId', options); var measureControl = L.control.measure(options); measureControl.addTo(myMap); ``` or added to a map using map options: ```javascript var myMap = L.map('mapElementId', { measureControl: true }); ```
## Control options ### position `{ position: 'topright' }` Standard Leaflet control [position options](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#control-positions) ### primaryLengthUnit | secondaryLengthUnit `{ primaryLengthUnit: 'feet', secondaryLengthUnit: 'miles' }` Units used to display length results. `secondaryLengthUnit` is optional. Valid values are `feet`, `meters`, `miles`, and `kilometers` ### primaryAreaUnit | secondaryAreaUnit `{ primaryAreaUnit: 'acres', secondaryAreaUnit: undefined }` Units used to display area results. `secondaryAreaUnit` is optional. Valid values are `acres`, `hectares`, `sqfeet`, `sqmeters`, and `sqmiles` ### activeColor `{ activeColor: '#ABE67E' }` Base color to use for map features rendered while actively performing a measurement. Value should be a color represented as a hexadecimal string. ### completedColor `{ completedColor: '#C8F2BE' }` Base color to use for features generated from a completed measurement. Value should be a color represented as a hexadecimal string. ### popupOptions `popupOptions: { className: 'leaflet-measure-resultpopup', autoPanPadding: [10, 10] }` Options applied to the popup of the resulting measure feature. Properties may be any standard Leaflet [popup options](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#popup-options). ### units Custom units to make available to the measurement calculator. Packaged units are `feet`, `meters`, `miles`, and `kilometers` for length and `acres`, `hectares`, `sqfeet`, `sqmeters`, and `sqmiles` for areas. Additional unit definitions can be added to the packaged units using this option. Define units as ```javascript { someNewUnit: { factor: 0.001, // Required. Factor to apply when converting to this unit. Length in meters or area in sq meters will be multiplied by this factor. display: 'My New Unit', // Required. How to display in results, like.. "300 Meters (0.3 My New Unit)". decimals: 2 // Number of decimals to round results when using this unit. `0` is the default value if not specified. }, myOtherNewUnit: { factor: 1234, display: 'My Other Unit', decimals: 0 } } ``` ### captureZIndex `{ captureZIndex: 10000 }` Z-index of the marker used to capture measure clicks. Set this value higher than the z-index of all other map layers to disable click events on other layers while a measurement is active. ### localization `{ localization: 'en' }` Locale to translate displayed text. Available locales include `en` (default), `es`, `fr`, `it`, `nl`, and `ru`. ### decPoint | thousandsSep `{ decPoint: '.', thousandsSep: ',' }` Decimal point and thousands separator used when displaying measurements. If not specified, values are defined by the localization.
## Events You can subscribe to the following events on the [Map](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#map-class) using [these methods](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#events) ### measurestart Fired when measurement starts ### measurefinish Fired when measurement finishes with results of the measurement. Results data includes: - `area`: Area of a polygon measurement in sq meters. 0 for measurements with less than 3 points. - `areaDisplay`: Area formatted as displayed in the popup. - `lastCoord`: Last point clicked in both decimal degrees and degress/min/seconds. - `length`: Length of the measurement in meters. 0 for measurements with less than 2 points. - `lengthDisplay`: Length formatted as displayed in the popup. - `pointCount`: Number of points directly added by the user. - `points`: Array of points as [`LatLng`](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#latlng) used to calculate the measurement. Number of items in the array may differ from `pointCoint` because an additional point is added to close polygons during polygon measurements.
## Customizing map feature styles Map features may be styled using CSS SVG style attributes. Features generated from `leaflet-measure` measurements are given the following class names: - **layer-measurearea**: Feature displaying area of an active measurement - **layer-measureboundary**: Feature displaying the linear path of an active measurement - **layer-measurevertex**: Feature added at each vertex (measurement click) of an active measurement - **layer-measuredrag**: Symbol following cursor while moving during an active measurement - **layer-measure-resultarea**: Feature added to the map as a permanent layer resulting from an area (3+ points) measurement - **layer-measure-resultline**: Feature added to the map as a permanent layer resulting from a linear (2 point) measurement - **layer-measure-resultpoint**: Featured added to the map as a permanent layer resulting from a point (single click) measurement