Leaflet.heat ========== A tiny, simple and fast [Leaflet](http://leafletjs.com) heatmap plugin. Uses [simpleheat](https://github.com/mourner/simpleheat) under the hood, additionally clustering points into a grid for performance. ## Demos - [10,000 points →](http://leaflet.github.io/Leaflet.heat/demo) - [Adding points dynamically →](http://leaflet.github.io/Leaflet.heat/demo/draw.html) ## Basic Usage ```js var heat = L.heatLayer([ [50.5, 30.5, 0.2], // lat, lng, intensity [50.6, 30.4, 0.5], ... ], {radius: 25}).addTo(map); ``` To include the plugin, just use `leaflet-heat.js` from the `dist` folder: ```html ``` ## Building To build the dist files run: ```npm install && npm run prepublish``` ## Reference #### L.heatLayer(latlngs, options) Constructs a heatmap layer given an array of points and an object with the following options: - **minOpacity** - the minimum opacity the heat will start at - **maxZoom** - zoom level where the points reach maximum intensity (as intensity scales with zoom), equals `maxZoom` of the map by default - **max** - maximum point intensity, `1.0` by default - **radius** - radius of each "point" of the heatmap, `25` by default - **blur** - amount of blur, `15` by default - **gradient** - color gradient config, e.g. `{0.4: 'blue', 0.65: 'lime', 1: 'red'}` Each point in the input array can be either an array like `[50.5, 30.5, 0.5]`, or a [Leaflet LatLng object](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#latlng). Optional third argument in each `LatLng` point (`altitude`) represents point intensity. Unless `max` option is specified, intensity should range between `0.0` and `1.0`. #### Methods - **setOptions(options)**: Sets new heatmap options and redraws it. - **addLatLng(latlng)**: Adds a new point to the heatmap and redraws it. - **setLatLngs(latlngs)**: Resets heatmap data and redraws it. - **redraw()**: Redraws the heatmap. ## Changelog ### 0.2.0 — Oct 26, 2015 - Fixed intensity to work properly with `max` option. - Fixed zoom animation on Leaflet 1.0 beta 2. - Fixed tiles and point intensity in demos. #### 0.1.3 — Nov 25, 2015 - Fixed some edge cases when handling point intensity. - Added `minOpacity` option. #### 0.1.2 — Nov 5, 2014 - Added compatibility with Leaflet 0.8-dev. #### 0.1.1 — Apr 22, 2014 - Fixed overlaying two heatmaps on top of each other. - Fixed rare animation issues. #### 0.1.0 — Feb 3, 2014 - Added `addLatLng`, `setLatlngs`, `setOptions` and `redraw` methods. - Added `max` option and support for different point intensity values (through `LatLng` third argument). - Added `gradient` option to customize colors. #### 0.0.1 — Jan 31, 2014 - Initial release.