'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var _colorLuminance = require('./utils'); var _getModal = require('./handle-swal-dom'); var _hasClass$isDescendant = require('./handle-dom'); /* * User clicked on "Confirm"/"OK" or "Cancel" */ var handleButton = function handleButton(event, params, modal) { var e = event || window.event; var target = e.target || e.srcElement; var targetedConfirm = target.className.indexOf('confirm') !== -1; var targetedOverlay = target.className.indexOf('sweet-overlay') !== -1; var modalIsVisible = _hasClass$isDescendant.hasClass(modal, 'visible'); var doneFunctionExists = params.doneFunction && modal.getAttribute('data-has-done-function') === 'true'; // Since the user can change the background-color of the confirm button programmatically, // we must calculate what the color should be on hover/active var normalColor, hoverColor, activeColor; if (targetedConfirm && params.confirmButtonColor) { normalColor = params.confirmButtonColor; hoverColor = _colorLuminance.colorLuminance(normalColor, -0.04); activeColor = _colorLuminance.colorLuminance(normalColor, -0.14); } function shouldSetConfirmButtonColor(color) { if (targetedConfirm && params.confirmButtonColor) { target.style.backgroundColor = color; } } switch (e.type) { case 'mouseover': shouldSetConfirmButtonColor(hoverColor); break; case 'mouseout': shouldSetConfirmButtonColor(normalColor); break; case 'mousedown': shouldSetConfirmButtonColor(activeColor); break; case 'mouseup': shouldSetConfirmButtonColor(hoverColor); break; case 'focus': var $confirmButton = modal.querySelector('button.confirm'); var $cancelButton = modal.querySelector('button.cancel'); if (targetedConfirm) { $cancelButton.style.boxShadow = 'none'; } else { $confirmButton.style.boxShadow = 'none'; } break; case 'click': var clickedOnModal = modal === target; var clickedOnModalChild = _hasClass$isDescendant.isDescendant(modal, target); // Ignore click outside if allowOutsideClick is false if (!clickedOnModal && !clickedOnModalChild && modalIsVisible && !params.allowOutsideClick) { break; } if (targetedConfirm && doneFunctionExists && modalIsVisible) { handleConfirm(modal, params); } else if (doneFunctionExists && modalIsVisible || targetedOverlay) { handleCancel(modal, params); } else if (_hasClass$isDescendant.isDescendant(modal, target) && target.tagName === 'BUTTON') { sweetAlert.close(); } break; } }; /* * User clicked on "Confirm"/"OK" */ var handleConfirm = function handleConfirm(modal, params) { var callbackValue = true; if (_hasClass$isDescendant.hasClass(modal, 'show-input')) { callbackValue = modal.querySelector('input').value; if (!callbackValue) { callbackValue = ''; } } params.doneFunction(callbackValue); if (params.closeOnConfirm) { sweetAlert.close(); } // Disable cancel and confirm button if the parameter is true if (params.showLoaderOnConfirm) { sweetAlert.disableButtons(); } }; /* * User clicked on "Cancel" */ var handleCancel = function handleCancel(modal, params) { // Check if callback function expects a parameter (to track cancel actions) var functionAsStr = String(params.doneFunction).replace(/\s/g, ''); var functionHandlesCancel = functionAsStr.substring(0, 9) === 'function(' && functionAsStr.substring(9, 10) !== ')'; if (functionHandlesCancel) { params.doneFunction(false); } if (params.closeOnCancel) { sweetAlert.close(); } }; exports['default'] = { handleButton: handleButton, handleConfirm: handleConfirm, handleCancel: handleCancel }; module.exports = exports['default'];