heatmap.js Documentation

What is it about the colors in the overview?

The colors in the overview is a prioritization of API functions:
red **hot docs** : most commonly used functions ;-)
green : used for customized implementations
blue : rarely used functionality
got it, thank you


"h337" is the name of the global object registered by heatmap.js. You can use it to create heatmap instances


Returns a heatmapInstance.

Use h337.create to create heatmap instances. A Heatmap can be customized with the configObject.
The configObject parameter is required.

Possible configuration properties:
  • container (DOMNode) *required*
    A DOM node where the heatmap canvas should be appended (heatmap will adapt to the node's size)
  • backgroundColor (string) *optional*
    A background color string in form of hexcode, color name, or rgb(a)
  • gradient (object) *optional*
    An object that represents the gradient (syntax: number string [0,1] : color string), check out the example
  • radius (number) *optional*
    The radius each datapoint will have (if not specified on the datapoint itself)
  • opacity (number) [0,1] *optional* default = .6
    A global opacity for the whole heatmap. This overrides maxOpacity and minOpacity if set!
  • maxOpacity (number) [0,1] *optional*
    The maximal opacity the highest value in the heatmap will have. (will be overridden if opacity set)
  • minOpacity(number) [0,1] *optional*
    The minimum opacity the lowest value in the heatmap will have (will be overridden if opacity set)
  • onExtremaChange function callback
    Pass a callback to receive extrema change updates. Useful for DOM legends.
  • blur (number) [0,1] *optional* default = 0.85
    The blur factor that will be applied to all datapoints. The higher the blur factor is, the smoother the gradients will be
  • xField (string) *optional* default = "x"
    The property name of your x coordinate in a datapoint
  • yField (string) *optional* default = "y"
    The property name of your y coordinate in a datapoint
  • valueField (string) *optional* default = "value"
    The property name of your y coordinate in a datapoint

Example configurations

Simple configuration with standard gradient
// create configuration object
var config = {
  container: document.getElementById('heatmapContainer'),
  radius: 10,
  maxOpacity: .5,
  minOpacity: 0,
  blur: .75
// create heatmap with configuration
var heatmapInstance = h337.create(config);
Custom gradient configuration
// create configuration object
var config = {
  container: document.getElementById('heatmapContainer'),
  radius: 10,
  maxOpacity: .5,
  minOpacity: 0,
  blur: .75,
  gradient: {
    // enter n keys between 0 and 1 here
    // for gradient color customization
    '.5': 'blue',
    '.8': 'red',
    '.95': 'white'
var heatmapInstance = h337.create(config);


Heatmap instances are returned by h337.create. A heatmap instance has its own internal datastore and renderer where you can manipulate data. As a result the heatmap gets updated (either partially or completely, depending on whether it's necessary).


Returns heatmapInstance

Use this functionality only for adding datapoints on the fly, not for data initialization! heatmapInstance.addData adds a single or multiple datapoints to the heatmaps' datastore.
// a single datapoint
var dataPoint = { 
  x: 5, // x coordinate of the datapoint, a number 
  y: 5, // y coordinate of the datapoint, a number
  value: 100 // the value at datapoint(x, y)

// multiple datapoints (for data initialization use setData!!)
var dataPoints = [dataPoint, dataPoint, dataPoint, dataPoint];


Returns heatmapInstance

Initializes a heatmap instance with a dataset. "min", "max", and "data" properties are required.
setData removes all previously existing points from the heatmap instance and re-initializes the datastore.
var data = {
  max: 100,
  min: 0,
  data: [
    dataPoint, dataPoint, dataPoint, dataPoint


Returns heatmapInstance

Changes the upper bound of your dataset and triggers a complete rerendering.
// setting the maximum value triggers a complete rerendering of the heatmap


Returns heatmapInstance

Changes the lower bound of your dataset and triggers a complete rerendering.
// setting the minimum value triggers a complete rerendering of the heatmap


Returns heatmapInstance

Reconfigures a heatmap instance after it has been initialized. Triggers a complete rerendering.
var nuConfig = {
  radius: 10,
  maxOpacity: .5,
  minOpacity: 0,
  blur: .75


Returns value at datapoint position

Note: The returned value is an interpolated value based on the gradient blending if point is not in store
heatmapInstance.addData({ x: 10, y: 10, value: 100});
// get the value at x=10, y=10
heatmapInstance.getValueAt({ x: 10, y: 10 }); // returns 100


Returns a persistable and reimportable (with setData) JSON object

var currentData = heatmapInstance.getData();
// now let's create a new instance and set the data
var heatmap2 = h337.create(config);
heatmap2.setData(currentData); // now both heatmap instances have the same content


Returns dataURL string

The returned value is the base64 encoded dataURL of the heatmap instance.
heatmapInstance.getDataURL(); // data:image/png;base64...
// ready for saving locally or on the server


Returns heatmapInstance

Repaints the whole heatmap canvas