var deps = { Core: { src: [ 'Leaflet.draw.js', 'Leaflet.Draw.Event.js' ], desc: 'The core of the plugin. Currently only includes the version.' }, DrawHandlers: { src: [ 'draw/handler/Draw.Feature.js', 'draw/handler/Draw.Polyline.js', 'draw/handler/Draw.Polygon.js', 'draw/handler/Draw.SimpleShape.js', 'draw/handler/Draw.Rectangle.js', 'draw/handler/Draw.Circle.js', 'draw/handler/Draw.Marker.js' ], desc: 'Drawing handlers for: polylines, polygons, rectangles, circles and markers.', deps: ['Core'] }, EditHandlers: { src: [ 'edit/handler/Edit.Marker.js', 'edit/handler/Edit.Poly.js', 'edit/handler/Edit.SimpleShape.js', 'edit/handler/Edit.Rectangle.js', 'edit/handler/Edit.Circle.js' ], desc: 'Editing handlers for: polylines, polygons, rectangles, and circles.', deps: ['Core'] }, Extensions: { src: [ 'ext/TouchEvents.js', 'ext/LatLngUtil.js', 'ext/GeometryUtil.js', 'ext/LineUtil.Intersect.js', 'ext/Polyline.Intersect.js', 'ext/Polygon.Intersect.js' ], desc: 'Extensions of leaflet classes.' }, CommonUI: { src: [ 'Control.Draw.js', 'Toolbar.js', 'Tooltip.js' ], desc: 'Common UI components used.', deps: ['Extensions'] }, DrawUI: { src: [ 'draw/DrawToolbar.js' ], desc: 'Draw toolbar.', deps: ['DrawHandlers', 'CommonUI'] }, EditUI: { src: [ 'edit/EditToolbar.js', 'edit/handler/EditToolbar.Edit.js', 'edit/handler/EditToolbar.Delete.js' ], desc: 'Edit toolbar.', deps: ['EditHandlers', 'CommonUI'] } }; if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') { exports.deps = deps; }