.. This is a comment. Note how any initial comments are moved by transforms to after the document title, subtitle, and docinfo. .. demo.rst from: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/demo.txt .. |EXAMPLE| image:: static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg :width: 1em ********************** Data Sources ********************** .. contents:: Table of Contents Data Source Types ================= Data Sources are used to connect your Oracle database. JRI Publisher supports both JDBC and JNDI Data Source types included with JRI. JDBC Data Sources are stored in a flat file at:: ${CATALINA_HOME}/jasper_reports/conf/ JDBC Data Sources have the following form:: #==================================================================== # JDBC datasource configuration # http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/JDBC#Thin_driver # additional jdbc configurations, please uncomment #==================================================================== [datasource:test] name=test url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@ username=my_oracle_user password=my_oracle_user_pwd JNDI Data Sources are stored in a database and referenced in the application server rather than stored in a flat file as with JDBC Data Sources. JNDI Data Sources have the following form:: #==================================================================== # Native JNDI datasource, to be configured in the application server # name: jndi_test #==================================================================== [datasource:jndi_test] type=jndi name=jndi_test Working with Data Sources ========================= Data Sources can be added, edited and removed from the JRI Publisher Module via the Data Source tab, as shown below .. image:: _static/data-source-tab.png The default view on clicking the tab is the List view, as shown below. .. image:: _static/data-source-default.png To add a Data Source, click on the Add tab at top. Select the desired Data Source type and enter the required information as shown below. Then click the Add button: .. image:: _static/add-data-source.png On the main Data Source tab we can confirm the Data Source has been added: .. image:: _static/data-source-added-ok.png To remove a Data Source, click on the Remove tab and select the Data Source you wish to remove using the drop-down selector as shown below: .. image:: _static/data-source-remove.png