.. This is a comment. Note how any initial comments are moved by transforms to after the document title, subtitle, and docinfo. .. demo.rst from: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/demo.txt .. |EXAMPLE| image:: static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg :width: 1em ********************** Schedule ********************** .. contents:: Table of Contents Scheduling Reports ================== Reports can be scheduled with a variety of options via the Schedule tab as shown below: .. image:: _static/schedule-tab.png On the main Schedule page, click the Add tab to open the Create Schedule page as shown below. .. image:: _static/schedule-new.png Scheduling Options ================== The Schedule module offers the following options. **Execute**:: Options: now custom hourly weekly monthly now: This will run the report immediately, with no subsequent runs. custom: This option allows you to enter a custom cron for running the report hourly, weekly, and monthly are as stated. **Name**:: Options: Drop-down list of all available reports The Name field will display a list of all available reports. Above, we have select the NewReports/ClassReports we created earlier. **Format**:: Options: csv docx html html2 jxl pdf pptx rtf xls xlsx Select the desired output format for the report. **Data Source**:: Options: Displays a drop-down list of Data Sources you have created. Select the desired Data Source for the report. **File Name**:: Options: Enter the desired file name WITH Extension. Example: ClassReports.pdf Enter the desired Data Source for the report. **Email**:: Options: Enter email address or comma separated list of addresses for delivery. Enter the desired Data Source for the report. .. note:: If you do not wish to email the report, tick the "Don't send email" box. This will run the report and save it to disk on the server. The report can be retrived via disk or downloaded via Reports tab. Optional Params =============== The Optional Params tab allows you to: 1. Set email subject 2. Set email message 3. Use Email HTML Template 4. Add report parameters Email Templates =============== You can use HTML Email Templates you created by selecting the desired template from the drop-down list as shown below. .. image:: _static/use-email-template.png .. note:: Be sure to check the "Use template" box when using an HTML Template. URL Parameters =============== To add a Report Parameter to the report URL, enter the variable in the left box and the value in the right box as shown below: .. image:: _static/schedule-params.png Click the Save button. .. image:: _static/schedule-optional-params.png You can add as many parameters as you wish to. Finally, click the Creat button to schedule the report. Additional Examples =================== Below are some additional examples. **Send report every Tuesday at 1500 (3 PM)** .. image:: _static/schedule-tuesdays.png **Send report every hour without email delivery** .. image:: _static/schedule-hour.png **Send report weekly with StudentID = 51** .. image:: _static/schedule-weekly.png