#!/usr/bin/perl require './jru-lib.pl'; use File::Basename; sub make_archive{ my $rep_id = $_[0]; my $tar_filename = $rep_id.'.'.$in{'archive_fmt'}; $tar_filename =~ s/\//\-/g; my $tar_chroot = get_jasper_home().'/reports'; #my $tar_filepath = &transname($tar_filename); my $tar_filepath = '/tmp/'.$tar_filename; my $dname = dirname($rep_id); my @fileArr = map { $dname.'/'.$_ } split(/\0/, $in{'chk_filename'}); my $files = join(' ', @fileArr); my $cmd; if($in{'archive_fmt'} eq 'tgz'){ $cmd = 'tar --verbose -cz --overwrite -f "'.$tar_filepath.'" -C"'.$tar_chroot.'" '.$files; }elsif($in{'archive_fmt'} eq 'zip'){ $cmd = 'cd "'.$tar_chroot.'" && zip "'.$tar_filepath.'" '.$files; } $out = &backquote_command($cmd); if($?){ &error("Error: Archiving failed: $out"); } return $tar_filepath; } sub stream_file{ my $filepath = $_[0]; my @st = stat($filepath); $| = 1; my $type = &guess_mime_type($filepath, undef); #$type ||= "application/octet-stream"; $type = 'application/gzip; charset=binary'; print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($filepath)."\n"; print "Content-length: $st[7]\n"; print "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\n"; print "Content-type: $type\n\n"; &open_readfile(FILE, $filepath) || &error('open_readfile'.$!); binmode FILE; while(read(FILE, $buffer, 100000)) { print("$buffer"); } close(FILE); unlink_file($filepath); } &ReadParse(); my $schid = $in{'schid'}; if(!$in{'but_download'}){ &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'jri_reports_download'}, ""); } my %schedules = load_schedules(); if(!exists($schedules{$schid})){ print("Error: $schid is not a valid schedule id\n"); &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}, 'edit_reports.cgi', $text{'jri_reports'}); return(0); } %sched = %{$schedules{$schid}}; #schedule data if($in{'but_download'}){ my $tar_filepath = make_archive($sched{'rep_id'}); stream_file($tar_filepath); }else{ #show files to be downloaded my %reports = get_all_reports($sched{'rep_id'}, $sched{'rep_file'}); print $text{'reports_desc2'}."</br>"; my @links_row = &ui_links_row([&select_all_link('chk_filename', 0), &select_invert_link('chk_filename', 0)]); print &ui_grid_table(\@links_row, 2, 100, [ undef, "align='right'" ]); print &ui_form_start("report_download.cgi", "get"); # must use GET to download file ! print &ui_hidden('schid', $schid); my @tds = ( "width=100" ); print &ui_columns_start(['#', 'Filename', 'Size'], 100, 0, \@tds); foreach my $filename (sort keys %reports){ my $file_size = (stat $reports{$filename})[7]; my $file_link = '<a href="/updown/fetch.cgi?fetch='.&urlize($reports{$filename}).'" target="blank">'.$filename.'</a>'; my @cols = ($file_link, $file_size); print &ui_checked_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds, 'chk_filename', $filename, 1, 0); } print &ui_columns_end(); my @opt_archive_fmt = ('tgz', 'zip'); print &ui_select("archive_fmt", 'zip', \@opt_archive_fmt, 1, 0).'<b>'.$text{'report_archive_fmt'}.'</b>'; print &ui_form_end([ ["but_download", $text{'jru_download'}] ]); &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}, 'edit_reports.cgi', $text{'jri_reports'}); }