#!/usr/bin/perl require './nagios-lib.pl'; require '../webmin/webmin-lib.pl'; #for OS detection foreign_require('apache', 'apache-lib.pl'); foreign_require('software', 'software-lib.pl'); $www_user = 'www-data'; $nrpe_ver = '3.2.1'; sub install_nagios_core{ my $nagios_ver = '4.4.5'; my $tmpfile = download_file('https://github.com/NagiosEnterprises/nagioscore/archive/nagios-'.$nagios_ver.'.tar.gz'); exec_cmd('groupadd -r nagios'); exec_cmd('usermod -a -G nagios '.$www_user); &apache::add_configured_apache_module('rewrite'); &apache::add_configured_apache_module('cgi'); &apache::restart_apache(); my $sh_file = &transname('nagios.sh'); open($fh, '>', $sh_file) or die "open:$!"; printf $fh 'cd /tmp'."\n"; printf $fh 'tar -xf '.$tmpfile."\n"; printf $fh 'cd /tmp/nagioscore-nagios-'.$nagios_ver."\n"; if(-d '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled'){ printf $fh './configure --with-httpd-conf=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled'."\n"; }elsif(-d '/etc/httpd/conf.d/'){ printf $fh './configure --with-httpd-conf=/etc/httpd/conf.d'."\n"; } printf $fh 'make all install-groups-users install install-daemoninit install-commandmode install-config install-webconf'."\n"; close $fh; exec_cmd('bash '.$sh_file); my $nag_pass; my @pw_chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9", "_", "-"); $nag_pass .= $pw_chars[rand @pw_chars] for 1..10; exec_cmd('echo "'.$nag_pass.'" | htpasswd -i -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosmin'); printf "
Warning: tar command is not found. Install it manually or '. "click here to have it downloaded and installed.
"; } if($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /centos/i){ #CentOS my @pinfo = software::package_info('epel-release', undef, ); if(!@pinfo){ print "Warning: EPEL repository is not installed. Install it manually or ". "click here to have it downloaded and installed.
"; } } my @dep_pkgs; if( ( $osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /centos/i) or #CentOS ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /fedora/i) or #Fedora ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /scientific/i) ){ @dep_pkgs = ('httpd', 'httpd-tools', 'gcc', 'glibc', 'glibc-common', 'gd', 'gd-devel', 'perl', 'perl-Net-SNMP', 'make', 'gettext', 'automake', 'autoconf', 'openssl-devel', 'net-snmp', 'net-snmp-utils', 'krb5-devel'); }elsif( ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /ubuntu/i) or ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /debian/i) ){ #ubuntu or debian @dep_pkgs = ('apache2', 'autoconf', 'gcc', 'libc6', 'make', 'unzip', 'php', 'libapache2-mod-php', 'libgd-dev', 'libwww-perl', 'libmcrypt-dev', 'libssl-dev', 'bc', 'gawk', 'dc', 'build-essential', 'snmp', 'libnet-snmp-perl', 'gettext', 'libkrb5-dev'); } my @pkg_missing; foreach my $pkg (@dep_pkgs){ my @pinfo = software::package_info($pkg); if(!@pinfo){ push(@pkg_missing, $pkg); } } if(@pkg_missing){ my $url_pkg_list = ''; foreach my $pkg (@pkg_missing){ $url_pkg_list .= '&u='.&urlize($pkg); } my $pkg_list = join(', ', @pkg_missing); print "Warning: Missing Nagios dependencies - $pkg_list packages are not installed. Install them manually or ". "click here to have them installed.
"; } if(! -d '/usr/local/nagios/'){ print "Nagios core not installed. ". "Click here install it"; } if(! -f '/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_apt'){ print "
Nagios Plugins not installed. ". "Click here install it"; } if(! -f '/usr/local/nagios/etc/nrpe.cfg'){ print "
Nagios NRPE Service is not installed. ". "Click here install it"; } if(! -f '/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe'){ print "
Nagios NRPE Plugin is not installed. ". "Click here install it"; } print '
If you don\'t see any warnings above, you can complete setup by clicking '. "here
"; } #Remove all setup files sub setup_cleanup{ print "Completing Set Up...."; &unlink_file($module_root_directory.'/setup.cgi'); &unlink_file('/tmp/nrpe-'.$nrpe_ver); print &js_redirect("index.cgi"); } &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'setup_title'}, ""); if($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /boundary=(.*)$/) { &ReadParseMime(); }else { &ReadParse(); $no_upload = 1; } my $mode = $in{'mode'} || "checks"; %osinfo = &detect_operating_system(); if( ( $osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /centos/i) or #CentOS ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /fedora/i) or #Fedora ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /scientific/i) ){ $www_user = 'apache'; } if($mode eq "checks"){ setup_checks(); &ui_print_footer('', $text{'index_return'}); exit 0; }elsif($mode eq "cleanup"){ setup_cleanup(); &ui_print_footer('', $text{'index_return'}); exit 0; }elsif($mode eq "install_nagios_core"){ install_nagios_core(); }elsif($mode eq "install_nagios_plugins"){ install_nagios_plugins(); }elsif($mode eq "install_nagios_nrpe_service"){ install_nagios_nrpe_service(); }elsif($mode eq "install_nagios_nrpe_plugin"){ install_nagios_nrpe_plugin(); }else{ print "Error: Invalid setup mode\n"; } &ui_print_footer('setup.cgi', $text{'setup_title'});