#!/usr/bin/perl require './oci-lib.pl'; sub download_otn{ my $ver = $_[0]; my $ver2; my $name = $_[1]; my $page_number = $_[2]; ($ver2 = $ver) =~ s/\.//g; my $time_limit = time().100; print "
Downloading $name-$ver ...
"; my $url = "http://download.oracle.com/otn_software/linux/instantclient/$ver2/instantclient-$name-linux.x64-".$ver."dbru.zip"; my $tmpfile = &transname("instantclient-$name-linux.x64-$ver.zip"); #my $tmpfile = "/tmp/instantclient-$name-linux.x64-$ver.zip"; &error_setup(&text('install_err3', $url)); &http_download("download.oracle.com", 443, "/otn_software/linux/instantclient/$ver2/instantclient-$name-linux.x64-".$ver."dbru.zip", $tmpfile, \$error, undef, 1);#, undef, undef, 0, 0, 1, \%cookie_headers); return $tmpfile; } sub download_cdn{ my $ver = $_[0]; my $name = $_[1]; my $cdn_host = ''; my $cdn_folder = '/'; print "
Downloading $name-$ver ...
"; my $url = "http://$cdn_host"."$cdn_folder/instantclient-$name-linux.x64-$ver.zip"; my $tmpfile = &transname("instantclient-$name-linux.x64-$ver.zip"); &error_setup(&text('install_err3', $url)); &http_download($cdn_host, 80,"$cdn_folder/instantclient-$name-linux.x64-$ver.zip", $tmpfile); return $tmpfile; } sub install_oci8{ my $oracle_home = $_[0]; my $instantclient_home = $_[1]; my $oci_ver; my %versions = get_versions(); my @php_ver = split(/\./, $versions{'php'}); if(($php_ver[0] == 8) and ($php_ver[1] == 2)){ $oci_ver = '3.3.0'; }elsif(($php_ver[0] == 8) and ($php_ver[1] == 1)){ $oci_ver = '3.2.1'; }elsif(($php_ver[0] == 8) and ($php_ver[1] == 0)){ $oci_ver = '3.0.1'; }elsif($php_ver[0] == 7){ $oci_ver = '2.1.4'; }elsif($php_ver[0] == 5){ $oci_ver = '2.0.10'; }elsif($php_ver[0] == 4){ $oci_ver = '1.4.10'; }else{ &error("Error: oci8: Unsupported PHP version $versions{'php'}
"); } my $oci8_home = "$oracle_home/src/oci8-$oci_ver"; &make_dir($oracle_home.'/src', 0754, 1); #pecl download oci8 my $url = "https://pecl.php.net/get/oci8-$oci_ver.tgz"; my $tmpfile = &transname("oci8-$oci_ver.tgz"); &error_setup(&text('install_err3', $url)); &http_download("pecl.php.net", 443,"/get/oci8-$oci_ver.tgz", $tmpfile, \$error, undef, 1); my $cmd_out=''; my $cmd_err=''; print "
Extracting $tmpfile to $oracle_home/src...
"; local $out = &execute_command("tar -x --overwrite -f \"$tmpfile\" -C$oracle_home/src", undef, \$cmd_out, \$cmd_err, 0, 0); if($cmd_err){ &error("Error: tar: $cmd_err"); }else{ $cmd_out =~ s/\r\n/
/g; print &html_escape($cmd_out); } #compile OCI 8 module my $orig_cwd = cwd; chdir $oci8_home; my @cmds = ('phpize', "./configure --with-oci8=share,instantclient,$oracle_home/instantclient/", "make && make install"); foreach my $cmd (@cmds){ my $cmd_out=''; my $cmd_err=''; local $out = &execute_command($cmd, undef, \$cmd_out, \$cmd_err, 0, 0); if($out != 0){ &error($cmd_err); } } copy_source_dest("$oci8_home/modules/oci8.so", "$oracle_home/instantclient/oci8.so"); chdir $orig_cwd; #Add PHP config for CLI and CGI print "Setting PHP ini files for CLI and CGI
"; my $cgi_file = &transname('info.php'); open(my $fh, '>', $cgi_file) or die "open:$!"; print $fh ""; close $fh; my %php_cmds = ('php --ini' =>"^Scan for additional .ini files in: (.*)", "REDIRECT_STATUS=200 REQUEST_METHOD=GET SCRIPT_FILENAME=$cgi_file SCRIPT_NAME=/info.php PATH_INFO=/ SERVER_NAME=site.tld SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1 REQUEST_URI=/nl/page HTTP_HOST=site.tld /usr/bin/php-cgi"=>"Scan this dir for additional \.ini files <\/td>([a-z0-9\/_\.-]+)"); my %ext_file = ('extension'=>'oci8.so'); $SIG{'TERM'} = 'ignore'; foreach my $cmd (keys %php_cmds){ &open_execute_command(CMD, $cmd, 1); my $pattern = $php_cmds{$cmd}; my $php_confd = ''; while(my $line = ) { if($line =~ /$pattern/){ $php_confd = $1; last; } } close(CMD); if(-d $php_confd){ write_file($php_confd.'/90-oci.ini', \%ext_file); }else{ print "Warning: Failed to add OCI extension to $cmd ini files.
"; } } } sub setup_instant_libs{ my $instantclient_home = $_[0]; print "
Setting Oracle Instant Client libs in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/instantclient.conf
"; opendir(DIR, $instantclient_home) or die $!; my @libs = grep { /\.so([0-9\.]+)?$/ # Has .so* extension && -f "$instantclient_home/$_" # and is a file } readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); &make_dir($instantclient_home.'/lib', 0755, 1); for my $lib (@libs){ symlink_file($instantclient_home.'/'.$lib, $instantclient_home."/lib/$lib"); } open(my $fh, '>', '/etc/ld.so.conf.d/instantclient.conf') or die "open:$!"; print $fh '/opt/oracle/instantclient/lib'; close $fh; #echo '/usr/lib/grass64/lib/' > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/grass.conf #echo '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/server/' > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/jvm.conf my $cmd_out=''; my $cmd_err=''; local $out = &execute_command('ldconfig', undef, \$cmd_out, \$cmd_err, 0, 0); if($out != 0){ &error($cmd_err); } } sub setup_instant_env{ my $instantclient_home = $_[0]; my $instantclient_ver = $_[1]; my %os_env; $os_env{'INSTANTCLIENT_VERSION'} = $instantclient_ver; $os_env{'INSTANTCLIENT_HOME'} = $instantclient_home; $os_env{'ORACLE_HOME'} = $instantclient_home; print "
Setting Oracle Instant Client environment..."; if(-d '/etc/profile.d/'){ $os_env{'PATH'} = "\$PATH:$instantclient_home"; write_env_file('/etc/profile.d/instantclient.sh', \%os_env, 1); }else{ read_env_file('/etc/environment', \%os_env); $os_env{'PATH'} = "$os_env{'PATH'}:$instantclient_home"; write_env_file('/etc/environment', \%os_env, 0); } } $| = 1; if ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq "POST") { &ReadParseMime(); }else { &ReadParse(); $no_upload = 1; } &ui_print_header(undef, $text{'install_title'}, ""); my $oci_ver = $in{'oci_ver'}; my $page_number = $in{'page_number'}; my @pkgs = ('basic', 'jdbc', 'sqlplus', 'sdk', 'odbc', 'tools'); my $oracle_home = "/opt/oracle"; &make_dir($oracle_home, 0755, 1); if(-d $oracle_home.'/instantclient_'.$oci_ver){ print "Error: Oracle Instant Client $oci_ver is already installed!
"; &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'}); exit; } #download and unzip selected packages foreach my $pkg_name (@pkgs){ if($in{'pkg_'.$pkg_name} == 1){ my $zip_file = download_otn($oci_ver, $pkg_name, $page_number); unzip_file($zip_file, $oracle_home); } } my @oci_ver_digits = split(/\./, $oci_ver); &rename_file($oracle_home.'/instantclient_'.$oci_ver_digits[0].'_'.$oci_ver_digits[1], $oracle_home.'/instantclient_'.$oci_ver); my $instantclient_home = $oracle_home.'/instantclient_'.$oci_ver; symlink_file($instantclient_home, $oracle_home.'/instantclient'); #link clntsh and occi libs symlink_file($instantclient_home.'/libclntsh.so.'.$oci_ver_digits[0].'.'.$oci_ver_digits[1], $oracle_home.'/instantclient/libclntsh.so'); symlink_file($instantclient_home.'/libocci.so.'.$oci_ver_digits[0].'.'.$oci_ver_digits[1], $oracle_home.'/instantclient/libocci.so'); install_oci8($oracle_home); setup_instant_libs($instantclient_home); setup_instant_env($instantclient_home, $oci_ver); &ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});