# !/bin/bash -e # Tomcat Module Script for CentOS and Ubuntu # For use on clean CentOS or Ubuntu box only # Usage: # wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cited/Tomcat-Webmin-Module/master/scripts/pre-install.sh # chmod +x pre-installer # ./pre-installer.sh function install_webmin(){ echo "deb http://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge contrib" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webmin.list wget -qO - http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc | apt-key add - apt-get -y update apt-get -y install webmin } function download_oci_module(){ pushd /tmp/ wget https://github.com/cited/Oracle-Instant-Client/archive/master.zip unzip master.zip mv Oracle-Instant-Client-master oci tar -czf /opt/oci.wbm.gz oci rm -rf oci master.zip popd } function install_oci_module(){ pushd /opt/ /usr/share/webmin/install-module.pl oci.wbm.gz popd echo -e "Tomcat module is now installed. Go to Servers > Tomcat to complete installation" } function download_certbot_module(){ pushd /tmp/ wget https://github.com/cited/Certbot-Webmin-Module/archive/master.zip unzip master.zip mv Certbot-Webmin-Module-master certbot tar -czf /opt/certbot.wbm.gz certbot rm -rf certbot master.zip popd } function install_apache(){ apt-get -y install apache2 } function install_certbot_module(){ pushd /opt/ /usr/share/webmin/install-module.pl certbot.wbm.gz popd echo -e "Certbot is now installed. Go to Servers > Certbot to complete installation" } function get_deps(){ apt-get -y install wget unzip } get_deps; # Uncomment line(s) below if you wish to install Webmin, Apache HTTP Server, and Certbot as well. #install_webmin; #install_apache; #download_certbot_module; #install_certbot_module; download_oci_module; install_oci_module;