
189 lines
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2024-01-29 16:57:45 +00:00
require './';
foreign_require('apache', '');
sub get_proxy_file{
my $domain_user = $_[0];
my $proxy_file = '';
if( -d '/etc/httpd/conf.d' ){
$proxy_file = '/etc/httpd/conf.d/tomcat.conf';
}elsif( -d '/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/'){ #ubuntu or debian
$proxy_file = '/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/tomcat.conf';
return $proxy_file;
sub load_proxy_maps{
my $proxy_file = $_[0];
my %maps;
open(my $fh, '<', $proxy_file) or return %maps;
while(my $line = <$fh>){
if($line =~ /^ProxyPass ([\/a-z0-9_\-\.]+) ([a-z:\/0-9\.\-]+)/i){
$maps{$2} = $1;
close $fh;
return %maps;
sub add_proxy{
my $proxy_file = $_[0];
my $app_name = $_[1];
my $default = $_[2];
my $ssl_port = $_[3];
my $wildcard = $_[4];
my %idata = ('port_http'=>'8080', 'port_https'=>'8443');
my $app_path = '/';
if($default == 0){ #if app is not default
$app_path .= $app_name;
if($wildcard == 1){
$app_name = '';
my $lref = &read_file_lines($proxy_file);
my $lnum = 0;
my $proxy_header_section = 0;
my $user_domain = 'localhost';
foreach my $line (@$lref) {
if($line =~ /^ProxyPass \/ |^ProxyPassReverse \/ /){ #another default app
if($default == 1){ #if new app is default
delete @{$lref}[$lnum]; #remove old default app
}elsif($line =~ /^ProxyPass.*\/$app_name$/){ #if its a line with our app
delete @{$lref}[$lnum];
}elsif($line =~ /^ProxyRequests Off$/){
$proxy_header_section = 1; #proxy settings are found
}elsif($line =~ /^ServerName (.*)$/){
$user_domain = $1;
my $conf_tail;
if(@$lref[$lnum] eq '</VirtualHost>'){
$conf_tail = pop @{$lref};
if($proxy_header_section == 0){
my $line = "ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost On
<Proxy *>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
push(@$lref, $line);
my $proto = '';
if($ssl_port == 1){
$proto = 's';
push(@$lref, "ProxyPass $app_path http".$proto."://$user_domain:".$idata{'port_http'.$proto}."/$app_name");
push(@$lref, "ProxyPassReverse $app_path http".$proto."://$user_domain:".$idata{'port_http'.$proto}."/$app_name");
push(@$lref, $conf_tail); #Restore conf end
sub remove_proxy{
my ($proxy_file, $app_path) = @_;
my $lref = &read_file_lines($proxy_file);
my $lnum = 0;
foreach my $line (@$lref) {
if($line =~ /^ProxyPass $app_path |^ProxyPassReverse $app_path /){ #if its a line with our app
delete @{$lref}[$lnum];
my $form_submit = 0;
if ($in{'submit_flag'}) {
$form_submit = 1;
&ui_print_header(undef, $text{'proxy_title'}, "");
my $proxy_file = get_proxy_file($remote_user);
if($proxy_file eq ''){
print "Error: Failed to find proxy file for user $remote_user</b>"
if($form_submit == 1){
remove_proxy($proxy_file, $in{'app_path'});
add_proxy($proxy_file, $in{'app_name'}, $in{'app_default'}, $in{'proxy_ssl'}, $in{'app_wildcard'});
my %maps = load_proxy_maps($proxy_file);
my @tds = ();
print &ui_columns_start(['Path','URL'], undef, 0, \@tds, 'Apps with proxy ('.$proxy_file.')');
foreach my $url (keys %maps) {
my @cols;
push(@cols, $maps{$url});
push(@cols, "<a href=\"$url\">$url</a>");
print &ui_columns_row(\@cols, \@tds);
print &ui_columns_end();
print &ui_form_start("edit_proxy.cgi", "post");
print &ui_hidden('submit_flag', 1);
print &ui_table_start($text{'proxy_add_options'}, undef, 2);
my @apps = get_all_war_infos();
@opt_apps = ( );
foreach $app (@apps) {
push(@opt_apps, [ $app, $app ]);
print &ui_table_row($text{'proxy_wildcard'},
&ui_checkbox("app_wildcard", 1, $text{'proxy_wildcard_info'}, 0), 2);
print &ui_table_hr();
print &ui_table_row($text{'wars_installed'}, &ui_select("app_name", undef, \@opt_apps, 10, 1), 2);
print &ui_table_row($text{'proxy_default_app'},
&ui_checkbox("app_default", 1, $text{'proxy_app_default_warning'}, 0), 2);
print &ui_table_row($text{'proxy_ssl'},
&ui_checkbox("proxy_ssl", 1, $text{'proxy_ssl_info'}, 0), 2);
print &ui_table_end();
print &ui_form_end([ [ "", $text{'proxy_installok'} ] ]);
print &ui_form_start("edit_proxy.cgi", "post");
print &ui_hidden('submit_flag', 1);
print &ui_table_start($text{'proxy_remove_options'}, undef, 2);
@opt_paths = ( );
foreach $path (keys %maps) {
my $val = $maps{$path};
push(@opt_paths, [ $val, $val ]);
print &ui_table_row($text{'proxy_list'}, &ui_select("app_path", undef, \@opt_paths, 10, 1), 2);
print &ui_table_end();
print &ui_form_end([ [ "", $text{'proxy_removeok'} ] ]);
&ui_print_footer("", $text{'index_return'});