
308 lines
11 KiB

require './';
require '../webmin/'; #for OS detection
foreign_require('software', '');
sub add_tomcat_user{
#check if tomcat user exists
if(read_file_contents('/etc/passwd') !~ /\ntomcat:/){
#add tomcat user
local $out = &backquote_command('useradd -m tomcat', 0);
}elsif(! -d '/home/tomcat'){
&make_dir("/home/tomcat", 0755, 1);
&set_ownership_permissions('tomcat','tomcat', undef, '/home/tomcat');
sub setup_catalina_env{
my $tomcat_ver = $_[0];
my %os_env;
print "<hr>Setting CATALINA environment...";
read_env_file('/etc/environment', \%os_env);
$os_env{'CATALINA_HOME'} = "/home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$tomcat_ver/";
$os_env{'CATALINA_BASE'} = "/home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$tomcat_ver/";
write_env_file('/etc/environment', \%os_env, 0);
open(my $fh, '>>', "/home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$tomcat_ver/bin/") or die "open:$!";
print $fh "CATALINA_PID=\"/home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$tomcat_ver/temp/\"\n";
close $fh;
sub setup_tomcat_users{
my $tomcat_ver = $_[0];
my @pw_chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z", "0".."9", "_", "-");
my $manager_pass;
my $admin_pass;
$manager_pass .= $pw_chars[rand @pw_chars] for 1..32;
$admin_pass .= $pw_chars[rand @pw_chars] for 1..32;
#Save tomcat-users.xml
open(my $fh, '>', "/home/tomcat/apache-tomcat-$tomcat_ver/conf/tomcat-users.xml") or die "open:$!";
print $fh <<EOF;
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="manager-gui" />
<user username="manager" password="$manager_pass" roles="manager-gui" />
<role rolename="admin-gui" />
<user username="admin" password="$admin_pass" roles="manager-gui,admin-gui" />
close $fh;
print "<hr>Setting Tomcat users...";
sub install_tomcat_from_archive{
my $tomcat_ver = download_and_install($in{'source_archive'});
sub get_apache_proxy_file(){
my $proxy_file;
my %osinfo = &detect_operating_system();
if( ( $osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /centos/i) or #CentOS
( $osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /rocky/i) or #rocky
( $osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /alma/i) or #alma
($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /fedora/i) ){ #Fedora
if( ! -d '/etc/httpd/'){
return 0;
$proxy_file = '/etc/httpd/conf.d/tomcat.conf';
}elsif( ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /ubuntu/i) or
($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /debian/i) ){ #ubuntu or debian
if( ! -d '/etc/apache2/'){
return 0;
$proxy_file = '/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/tomcat.conf';
return $proxy_file;
sub setup_default_apache_proxy(){
my $proxy_file = get_apache_proxy_file();
my %osinfo = &detect_operating_system();
if(-f $proxy_file){
return 0;
open(my $fh, '>', $proxy_file) or die "open:$!";
if( ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /centos/i) or #CentOS
($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /fedora/i) ){ #Fedora
&execute_command('setsebool httpd_can_network_connect 1');
print $fh "LoadModule proxy_module modules/\n";
print $fh "LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/\n";
print $fh "LoadModule rewrite_module modules/\n";
}elsif( $osinfo{'os_type'} =~ /debian/i){ #ubuntu or debian
print $fh "LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/\n";
print $fh "LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/\n";
print $fh "LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/\n";
print $fh "ProxyRequests Off\n";
print $fh "ProxyPreserveHost On\n";
print $fh " <Proxy *>\n";
print $fh " Order allow,deny\n";
print $fh " Allow from all\n";
print $fh " </Proxy>\n";
print $fh "ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/\n";
print $fh "ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/\n";
close $fh;
print "Added proxy configuration / -> 8080 in $proxy_file\n";
sub select_tomcat_archive{
print "$text{'base_desc1'}<p>\n";
print &ui_form_start("setup.cgi", "form-data");
print ui_hidden('mode', 'tomcat_install');
print &ui_table_start($text{'base_options'}, undef, 2);
my @tmver = &get_tomcat_major_versions();
my $sel_tmver = $in{'tmver'} || $tmver[0];
my @tm_opts = ( );
foreach my $v (@tmver) {
push(@tm_opts, [ $v, $v ]);
print <<EOF;
<script type="text/javascript">
function update_select(){
var majorSel = document.getElementById('base_major');
var major = majorSel.options[majorSel.selectedIndex].value;
print &ui_table_row($text{'base_major'},
&ui_select("base_major", $sel_tmver, \@tm_opts, 1, 0, undef, undef, 'id="base_major" onchange="update_select()"'));
my @tver = &major_tomcat_versions($sel_tmver);
my @tver_opts = ( );
foreach my $v (reverse @tver) {
push(@tver_opts, [ $v, $v ]);
print &ui_table_row($text{'base_installsource'},
&ui_radio_table("source", 100,
[ [ 100, $text{'source_archive'}, &ui_select("source_archive", undef, \@tver_opts,1, 0)],
[ 0, $text{'source_local'}, &ui_textbox("file", undef, 40)." ". &file_chooser_button("file", 0) ],
[ 1, $text{'source_uploaded'}, &ui_upload("upload", 40) ],
[ 2, $text{'source_ftp'},&ui_textbox("url", undef, 40) ]
print &ui_table_end();
print &ui_form_end([ [ "", $text{'base_installok'} ] ]);
sub setup_selinux{
my $tomcat_home = get_catalina_home();
local $out = &execute_command("semanage fcontext -a -t bin_t \"$tomcat_home/bin(/.*)?\"", undef, \$cmd_out, \$cmd_err, 0, 0);
print &html_escape($cmd_out.$cmd_err);
local $out = &execute_command("restorecon -r -v \"$tomcat_home/bin\"", undef, \$cmd_out, \$cmd_err, 0, 0);
print &html_escape($cmd_out.$cmd_err);
sub setup_checks{
my %osinfo = &detect_operating_system();
#Check for commands
if (!&has_command('java')) {
print '<p>Warning: Java is not found. Install it manually or from the '.
"<a href='./edit_java.cgi?return=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2Fsetup.cgi&returndesc=Setup&caller=tomcat'>Java tab</a></p>";
my @pinfo = software::package_info('haveged', undef, );
if( ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /centos/i) or #CentOS
($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /alma/i) or #Alma
($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /rocky/i) ){ #Rocky
@pinfo = software::package_info('epel-release', undef, );
print "<p>Warning: haveged needs epel-release. Install it manually or ".
"<a href='../package-updates/update.cgi?mode=new&source=3&u=epel-release&redir=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2Fsetup.cgi&redirdesc=Tomcat Setup'>click here</a> to have it downloaded and installed.</p>";
print "<p>Warning: haveged package is not installed. Install it manually or ".
"<a href='../package-updates/update.cgi?mode=new&source=3&u=haveged&redir=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2Fsetup.cgi&redirdesc=Tomcat Setup'>click here</a> to have it downloaded and installed.</p>";
my $tomcat_ver = installed_tomcat_version();
print "<p><a href='setup.cgi?mode=tomcat_install_form&return=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2Fsetup.cgi&returndesc=Setup&caller=tomcat'>Click here</a> to install Tomcat from Apache site.</p>";
if (!&has_command('unzip')) {
print '<p>Warning: unzip command is not found. Install it manually or '.
"<a href='../package-updates/update.cgi?mode=new&source=3&u=unzip&redir=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2Fsetup.cgi&redirdesc=Tomcat Setup'>click here</a> to have it downloaded and installed.</p>";
my $proxy_file = get_apache_proxy_file();
my $www_name = '';
if( ( $osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /centos/i) or #CentOS
( $osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /rocky/i) or #Rocky
( $osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /alma/i) or #Alma
($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /fedora/i) ){ #Fedora
$www_name = 'httpd';
}elsif( ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /ubuntu/i) or
($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /debian/i) ){ #ubuntu or debian
$www_name = 'apache2';
@pinfo = software::package_info($www_name, undef, );
print "<p>Warning: $www_name is not installed. Install it manually or ".
"<a href='../package-updates/update.cgi?mode=new&source=3&u=$www_name&redir=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2Fsetup.cgi&redirdesc=Tomcat Setup'>click here</a> to have it downloaded and installed.</p>";
if(! -f $proxy_file){
print "<p>Apache default proxy is not configured. ".
"<a href='./setup.cgi?mode=setup_apache_proxy&return=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2Fsetup.cgi&returndesc=Setup&caller=tomcat'>click here</a></p>";
if( ($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /alma/i) or #Alma
($osinfo{'real_os_type'} =~ /rocky/i) ){ #Rocky
local $out = &execute_command("sestatus", undef, \$cmd_out, \$cmd_err, 0, 0);
if($cmd_out =~ /SELinux status:\s+enabled/i){
my $se_utils_pkg = 'policycoreutils-python-utils';
@pinfo = software::package_info($se_utils_pkg, undef, );
print "<p>Warning: $se_utils_pkg is not installed. Install it manually or ".
"<a href='../package-updates/update.cgi?mode=new&source=3&u=$se_utils_pkg&redir=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2Fsetup.cgi&redirdesc=Tomcat Setup'>click here</a> to have it downloaded and installed.</p>";
my $tomcat_home = get_catalina_home();
local $out = &execute_command("ls -lZ $tomcat_home/bin/", undef, \$cmd_out, \$cmd_err, 0, 0);
if($cmd_out !~ /:bin_t:/i){
printf "<p>SELinux is enabled. Configured it from ".
"<a href='./setup.cgi?mode=setup_selinux&return=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2Fsetup.cgi&returndesc=Setup&caller=tomcat'>here</a>.</p>";
print '<p>If you don\'t see any warning above, you can complete setup from '.
"<a href='setup.cgi?mode=cleanup&return=%2E%2E%2Ftomcat%2F&returndesc=Apache%20Tomcat&caller=tomcat'>here</a></p>";
#Remove all setup files
sub setup_cleanup{
my $file = $module_root_directory.'/setup.cgi';
print "Completing Installation</br>";
print &js_redirect("index.cgi");
&ui_print_header(undef, $text{'setup_title'}, "");
if($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /boundary=(.*)$/) {
}else {
&ReadParse(); $no_upload = 1;
my $mode = $in{'mode'} || "checks";
if($mode eq "checks"){ setup_checks();
&ui_print_footer('', $text{'index_return'});
exit 0;
}elsif($mode eq "cleanup"){ setup_cleanup();
&ui_print_footer('', $text{'index_return'});
exit 0;
}elsif($mode eq "tomcat_install_form"){ select_tomcat_archive();
}elsif($mode eq "tomcat_install"){ install_tomcat_from_archive();
}elsif($mode eq "tomcat_upgrade"){ upgrade_tomcat_from_archive();
}elsif($mode eq "setup_apache_proxy"){ setup_default_apache_proxy();
}elsif($mode eq "setup_selinux"){ setup_selinux();
print "Error: Invalid setup mode\n";
&ui_print_footer('setup.cgi', $text{'setup_title'});