AcuGIS Open GeoSuite builds a full OpenSource GIS stack for managing, deploying and building GIS applications.

Open GeoSuite reflects new technologies such as pg_tileserv and MapStore2. Follow below in sequence.


If you have not already done so, and are using a valid hostname, issue below to provision SSL:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AcuGIS/geosuite/master/scripts/build-ssl.sh && chmod +x build-ssl.sh && ./build-ssl

Prepare Data

Create a database, 'geodb'. We'll use this database to enable PostGIS and load GIS data. You can do so in several ways:

Note: You can also create a database using PGAdmin or any other compatible client

You can enable PostGIS on your database using either the Command Line or your Control Panel:

Load Data



Get Started with QGIS

Create a QGIS Map Project

Publish Layers GeoServer using GeoCat Bridge

Create a Publish Styles to GeoServer using GeoCat Bridge


LeafletJS, pg_tileserv and pg_featursrv

Getting started with pg_tileserv

Getting started with pg_featureserv

Leafletjs and PHP