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.. This is a comment. Note how any initial comments are moved by
transforms to after the document title, subtitle, and docinfo.
.. demo.rst from:
.. |EXAMPLE| image:: static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg
:width: 1em
.. contents:: Table of Contents
Why Use It?
The pg_service.conf file allows you to connect your QGIS project using only a Service Name, so your password is not stored (even in in encrypted format) in your QGIS document.
This is particulary important with QGIS as a misconfigured qgis_mapserver or Apache/NGINX can cause the .qgis file to be downloaded rather than rendered in the browser.
Create File on Server
**1. Create the pg_service.conf file under the /etc/postgresql-common directory**
.. image:: _static/40-pg_service-1.png
.. image:: _static/spacer.png
**2. The contents of the file should be as below. Make sure to substitute your geouser password for the password show below**
.. image:: _static/40-pg_service-2.png
.. image:: _static/spacer.png
Test File on Server
It's a good idea to test your file.
To do, su to user postgres::
root@suite:~# su - postgres
Issue psql service=geosuiteb::
postgres@suite:~$ psql service=geosuitedb
psql (15.3 (Ubuntu 15.3-1.pgdg22.04+1))
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.
You have now verified the pg_service.conf file is working correctly.
Create File on Desktop
**1. Copy the pg_service.conf file you created above to your desktop and note the location**
**2. Change the host to the hostname (or IP) of your GeoSuite server**
So, for example, if your GeoSuite is running on IP, your file would look as below::
Register File
To registet the file, on Windows:
**1. Go to Control Panel and click on User Acccounts**
.. image:: _static/control-panel.png
.. image:: _static/spacer.png
**2. Click the User Acccounts link**
.. image:: _static/control-panel-2.png
.. image:: _static/spacer.png
**3. On the left menu, click "Change my environmental variables"**
.. image:: _static/control-panel-3.png
.. image:: _static/spacer.png
**4. In the Environmental Variables box click new. In the New User Variable box enter PGSERVICEFILE for Variable name and the location you saved the pg_service.conf file above as Variable value. Click OK**
.. image:: _static/control-panel-4.png
.. image:: _static/spacer.png
You have now registered your pg_service.conf file.
Test File on Desktop
To test our pg_service.conf file on our desktop, start QGIS.
**1. On the left menu, click PostGIS and then right click "Add New Connection"**
.. image:: _static/30-qgis-2.png
.. image:: _static/spacer.png
**2. In the Create New PostGIS Connection box, give your connection and name enter your service name**
.. image:: _static/30-qgis-0-2.png
.. image:: _static/spacer.png
**3. Click the Test Connection button. You should see a success message at top as show below**
.. image:: _static/30-qgis-0-3.png
.. image:: _static/spacer.png
Congradualtions, you have successfully create a pg_service.conf file on your server and desktop