
3.8 KiB


  • Tidy up css: include leaflet-control-toolbar for common styles
  • Rename _shapes variable in Control.Draw to make better sense.
  • Should the ext classes be renamed to Polyline.Intersect or similar?
  • Make Control.Draw inherit from Control.Toolbar.
  • Rename Handler.Draw -> Vector.Draw. What about markers? they aren't vectors, is there a better name? Maybe Feature?
  • Add enbled/disabled states for the delete & edit buttons.
  • Move control/handler files out of draw folder.
  • Rename the draw events from draw:feature t0 feature-created.
  • Revert to the correct colour for the feature that was just deselected.
  • Rename the Handler activated/deactivated events to enabled/disabled.
  • Add option for setting the selected color.
  • Check and calls to L.Feature.Draw.prototype, are they correct? In Draw.Circle it hink it should be referencing L.Draw.SimpleShape
  • Add in cancel buttons for selected button.
  • Have special behavior for selected markers. Do we just set the background color?
  • Turn the cancel button UI into a button container for things like undo.
  • Add Save to edit mode. Same as cancel but does not revert any shapes.
  • rename selectableLayers = layerGroup
  • refactor the repositioning of the actions toolbar for Control.Draw.
  • If more than 1 button in actions toolbar but not first is showing then margin is wrong.
  • Support cancelling delete?
  • Rename the _showCancel/_hideCancel methods in Control.Toolbar
  • See if any common code can move to Control.Toolbar from Control.Draw.
  • Fix the bottom border radius when the actions buttons are at the bottom
  • Fix up the toolbar rounded corners when only 1 item in the toolbar.
  • Handle layers being added/removed to the layergroup. i.e. need to be placed in edit mode or have a delete handler added
  • ~Add support for tooltips for the edit mode.~
  • ~Add handlers for Circle and Rectangle editing. (Needs a way to hook into L.Cicle and L.Rectangle)~
  • ~Fix styles to look more like new Leaflet zoom in/out.~
  • ~Polyline is styled as filled for edit mode.~
  • ~Add visual style change to toolbar buttons on mouse over.~
  • ~Add handlers to earch corner of the rectangle for resizing.~
  • ~Bug: if you go edit mode, then go to draw mode.~
  • ~Handle controls from being removed from map.~
  • ~Add link to http://glyphicons.com/~
  • ~Redo the select/delete icons.~
  • ~Merge the event change pull and add edit/delete versions.~
  • ~When switching from edit to delete and having edit a feature it should reset/cancel instead of saving.~
  • ~Move clone methods from Edit.Feature~
  • ~Renamed Edit.Feature -> Edit and Delete.Feature -> Delete, is confusing since Edit.feature is not the same as Edit.Circle etc~
  • ~Get Leaflet control-design branch merged to master.~
  • ~Fix action toolbar styles to match new toolbar height.~
  • ~Make Tooltip sexy!~
  • ~IE actions bar position.~
  • ~IE editable marker background and border.~
  • ~Search for TODO~
  • ~Update Deps. Maybe should make it more advanced to allow people to custom build without parts? Like edit only or draw only? Also file names ahve changed.~
  • ~Add some proper documentation. I.e. for the events & methods.~
  • ~Add a thanks section to README. Shramov, BrunboB, tnightingale & Glyphicons. Others?~
  • ~Write up a breaking changes for when 0.2 goes live. (See below)~
  • ~Add events to docs~
  • ~Fix the draw:enabled event. This is not used for the edit toolbar. It is simply used to state that drawing has started then ended.~
  • ~Custom build tool.~
  • ~Move Poly.Edit.js~
  • ~Add ability to update the options after control is initialized.~
  • ~Make a git tag of Leaflet.draw 0.1~
  • ~Document changing the options of a draw handler.~


  • Fix all the Show Code links in the ReadMe.